Hydrological stations

Selection of Hydrological Stations

Nine hydrological stations have been selected, based on an analysis of hydro-geographic reaches, to provide the basis for implementing the PMFM in the mainstream.

A further three, Phnom Penh Port, Prek Kdam and Kampong Luong stations are located on the Tonle Sap River/Lake and have been selected for monitoring the natural reverse flow of the Tonle Sap.

The main features and locations of the selected 12 hydrological stations are provided in Table and Figure below.

PMFM Hydrological Stations
No Station Country Drainage and Zero gauge* Observed data used Hydro-geographical features
1 Chiang Saen
(Mekong River)
Thailand 189,000 km2
357.11 m msl
1962-2009 Recognised as transboundary station
2 Vientiane
(Mekong River)
Lao PDR 299,000 km2
158.04 m msl
1962-2009 Key station above the Nam Ngum confluence
3 Khong Chiam
(Mekong River)
Thailand 419,000 km2
89.03 m msl
1967-2009 Upstream of Kong-Chi-Mun confluence
4 Pakse
(Mekong River)
Lao PDR 545,000 km2
86.49 m msl
1962-2009 Downstream of Kong-Chi-Mun confluence
5 Stung Treng
(Mekong River)
Cambodia 635,000 km2
36.79 m msl
1962-2009 Transboundary flow monitoring for Lao PDR and Cambodia
6 Kratie
(Mekong River)
Cambodia 646,000 km2
-1.08 m msl
1962-2009 Key station for Article 6B
7 Chrouy Changvar
(Mekong River)
Cambodia 663,000 km2
-1.08 m msl
1969-2008 Key station for Cambodia floodplain
8 Phnom Penh Port
(Tonle Sap River)
Cambodia -
0.07 m msl
1997-2009 Key station for Article 6B
9 Prek Kdam
(Tonle Sap River)
Cambodia -
0.08 m msl
1997-2009 Key station for Article 6B
10 Kampong Luong
(Tonle Sap Lake)
Cambodia km2
0.64 m msl
1997-2009 Key station for Article 6B
11 Tan Chau
(Mekong River)
Viet Nam 760,000 km2
0 m msl
1981-2009 Transboundary flow monitoring for Cambodia and Viet Nam
12 Chau Doc
(Bassac River)
Viet Nam 760,000 km2
0 m msl
1981-2009 Transboundary flow monitoring for Cambodia and Viet Nam
* Zero gauge above the mean sea level (msl) with different national datum (Hatien for Cambodia and Lao PDR, Hondau for Viet Nam, and Kolak for Thailand).

Map of PMFM Hydrological Stations

Hydrological Station Map

Map of PMFM Hydrological Stations