Article 6C for planning purposes

Under Article 6C, during the flood season for planning purposes, the average daily peak flow during the flood season  (July-October) of the simulated baseline flow regime (1986-2000) at each of the selected hydrological stations (exclude Kampong Luong and Prek Kdam stations) is to be compared data derived from the Baseline Scenario. A scenario would NOT be deemed acceptable for planning purposes if one or more simulated daily peak flows in the flood season at one or more hydrological stations are above these thresholds.

  Article reference Flow framework for planning purposes
Article 6C Preventing average daily peak flows greater than what naturally occur on the average during the flood season

Average daily peak flow during the flood season (July-October)

Planning thresholds charts for Article 6C

Chiang Saen


Khong Chiam


Stung Treng


Chrouy Changvar

Tan Chau

Chau Doc

Article 6C - Planning thresholds for mean of daily peak flows (m3/s)

Station Jul Aug Sep Oct
Chiang Saen 7,450 8,652 7,727 5,861
Vientiane 10,799 13,723 14,285 9,415
Khong Chiam 22,270 27,251 27,561 17,798
Pakse 24,334 30,720 31,087 20,618
Stung Treng 31,549 40,178 41,003 29,722
Kratie 32,607 41,627 42,936 31,081
Chrouy Changvar 26,940 32,933 33,663 27,171
Tan Chau 16,386 19,723 21,154 20,837
Chau Doc 3,304 5,119 5,683 5,659